Course Content
Module 1: IFI Introduction/Overview
Invasive Fungal Infections (IFI): An Overviewa. Definition b. Epidemiology c. Risk Factors d. High-risk Populations
Module 2: Medically Important Fungi Pathogenesis & Complications
Medically Important Fungia. Major Causative Organisms b. Transmission c. Pathogenesis d. Complications
Module 3: The Diagnostic Techniques for IFI
An Update of The Diagnostic Techniques for IFIa. Clinical Findings b. Classical Diagnostic Techniques c. Antigens/ Biomarkers Detection d. DNA-based Techniques e. Drug Susceptibility Testing
Module 4: Invasive Fungal Infections: Prevention and Management
Invasive Fungal Infections: Prevention and Managementa. Infection prevention b. Antifungal Prophylaxis c. Systemic Therapies & Antifungal Agents d. Drug Resistance
Module 5: IFI Breakthroughs in Special Populations
IFI Breakthroughs in Special Populationsa. Factors Associated with Breakthrough IFI b. Critically ill and ICU-admitted Patients c. Immunodeficient Individuals d. Hematological Patients e. Sold Organ Transplant Patients
Module 6: Invasive Candidiasis
Invasive Candidiasisa. Causative organism b. the burden of the disease in Kenya c. Pathophysiology d. Diagnostic techniques e. Screening f. Prevention g. Management I. Initial Therapy II. Step-down therapy III. Certain Considerations
Invasive Fungal Infection (IFI) for Clinical Officers

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