An Update of The Diagnostic Techniques for IFI
a. Clinical Findings
b. Classical Diagnostic Techniques
c. Antigens/ Biomarkers Detection
d. DNA-based Techniques
e. Drug Susceptibility Testing
Module 4: Invasive Fungal Infections: Prevention and Management
Invasive Fungal Infections: Prevention and Management
a. Infection prevention
b. Antifungal Prophylaxis
c. Systemic Therapies & Antifungal Agents
d. Drug Resistance
Module 5: IFI Breakthroughs in Special Populations
IFI Breakthroughs in Special Populations
a. Factors Associated with Breakthrough IFI
b. Critically ill and ICU-admitted Patients
c. Immunodeficient Individuals
d. Hematological Patients
e. Sold Organ Transplant Patients
Invasive Candidiasis
a. Causative organism
b. the burden of the disease in Kenya
c. Pathophysiology
d. Diagnostic techniques
e. Screening
f. Prevention
g. Management
I. Initial Therapy
II. Step-down therapy
III. Certain Considerations